
About Us

"Conscious-Ventures - business with higher purpose" is unique collaborative platform of concerned stake-holders setup to achieve inclusive social & economic growth for regional cooperation & diversity through “network of like-minded entrepreneurs, impact investors, social scientists & passionate professionals”.

"Conscious-Ventures - business with higher purpose" is well known for its collaborative community-centric business endeavours with special focus on “women & youth” change-makersin South-Asia region.

Infused with innovative ideas, entrepreneurial spirit & the excitement of accepting worthy challenges, “Conscious-Ventures” is working to strike balance between “Socially Responsible Ventures, Environmentally Conscious Decisions & Profitability” by integrating ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) parameters and seventeen global goals of United Nations (UN-SDGs).


Our objective is to inspire business leaders to achieve their dreams by taking conscious decisions, in order to benefits humanity, the environmental sustainability & to create better society/world.

We will help business leadership to create conscious awareness & culture within & outside the company to re-define the values, principles, practices, or the underlying building blocks of businesses of 21st century.

Holistic Vision

Conscious-Ventures (CV) is willing to undertake the challenges to promote, incubate and mentor socially relevant, environmentally sustainable & ethical ventures, facilitate impact investments (VCs) & sensitize business leaders with focus on new-age start-ups in the domain of “education, health, digital empowerment, green energy & infrastructure, responsible tourism & agriculture” with genuine concern for human development, climate change, natural resources & to preserve value of our rich culture and historical heritage.

Our mission is to optimise collective resources through new business endeavours around social commitments, improve socio-economic (living) conditions & prosper in partnership with “Triple Bottom-Line” approach.


"Conscious-Ventures" is unique collaborative platform of concerned stakeholders setup to achieve inclusive social & economic growth for regional cooperation & diversity through “network of like-minded entrepreneurs, impact investors, social scientists & passionate professionals”.

Conscious-Ventures (CV) is well known for its collaborative community-centric business endeavours with special focus on women & youth change-makersin South-Asia region.

Infused with innovative ideas, entrepreneurial spirit & the excitement of accepting worthy challenges, Conscious-Ventures is working to strike balance between “Socially Responsible Ventures & Profitability” by integrating ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) parameters and seventeen global goals of United Nations (UN-SDGs).